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Direct solution in a sentence

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Sentence count:23Posted:2022-05-29Updated:2022-05-29
Similar words: explicit solutionsolid solutiondirect distributionsolutionresolutionabsolutionin solutiondissolution
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1) There is no direct solution to this problem.
2) Is that part of a direct solution?
3) An illustration of using the direct solution is given.
4) Social relief has become the most direct solution to the problems of the disabled people.
5) The problem of direct solution to tooth-profile synthesis for sliding-teeth transmission and law of relative movement of sliding-teeth are studied in this paper.
6) In this paper, a new method for direct solution of constrained optimizations is presented.
7) See if you can identify the most direct solution to some of your problems.
8) It's a more direct solution to the damage that the global climate change brings to human.
9) If you already have a direct solution staring you in the face, and you don't implement it, I'd say you're using the Law of Repulsion more than the Law of Attraction.
10) I identified a more direct solution, but it was a solution that would require courage, discipline, and creativity to implement.
11) A direct solution for coupling dynamic equation with frequency-dependent impedance under arbitrary loads is presented in the time domain.
12) A direct solution for displacement and internal?force of non?symmetric pile foundation is obtained based on the principle of elastic center and the method of stepwise mathematics in the paper.
13) A mapping from DLSR data model to UDDI data model can provide a direct solution based on UDDI registry center for the development of DLSR. 1 tab. 2 figs. 8 refs.
14) Many times when people try to apply the Law of Attraction,[ solution.html] they simultaneously resist implementing the most direct solution to their problem.
15) The point of the Law of Attraction is to hold the intention to discover a direct solution to a problem.
16) When you find yourself having difficulty solving a problem, but you can identify a direct solution with relative ease, perhaps the real problem isn't what you think it is.
17) When trying to solve various problems in life, an approach I find very useful is to first identify what I'd consider the most direct solution, regardless of how I feel about actually implementing it.
18) Based on transfer matrix method(TMM)and virtual boundary element method(VBEM), proposed a direct solution to 2-D sound-structure interaction problem under harmonic excitation is proposed.
19) Based on the table of matrix element of spectrum decomposition, the Helmhotz matrix can be decomposed by recursion of the direct solution.
20) Pull together to love the game, the natural and most direct solution.
21) Applying Occam's Razor to web design will help you find the most elegant and direct solution to your design problems.
22) The novel's confusion suggested that it was the labyrinth. Two circumstances showed me the direct solution to the problem.
23) You hold the intention to see a blue feather sometime in the next 24 hours. What's the most direct solution to that intention?
More similar words: explicit solutionsolid solutiondirect distributionsolutionresolutionabsolutionin solutiondissolutionirresolutionunique solutionlow-resolutionideal solutionfinal solutionliquid solutionhigh-resolutionaqueous solutionbuffer solutionsaline solutionneutral solutionpartial solutionproblem solutionjoint resolutionoptimum solutionfeasible solutiondirect sumdirectionX directionconflict resolutiondirect salessolutio
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